Alamy is a company that deals in vectors, videos and stock photos. With the mission to change the world one image at a time, Alamy ensures that no image goes unseen. The company adds over 100,000 images daily from photo agencies and photographers in 173 countries. And with the best customer service team, you are assured of a seamless buying process. Check out the website for a wide range of images from news and entertainment, illustrations and vectors, historical and lifestyle categories.
How do I find the images I need?
If you are looking for specific types of images, search the keywords in the search bar. For instance, if you are looking for salmon images, type ‘salmon’ in the Alamy search bar. Alamy also offers a free fast search service for key accounts. You can check different suppliers and choose one that suits your needs.
I have found some fantastic images at Alamy. How do I buy?
If you are looking to purchase images from Alamy, you can either purchase online or chat with the customer service team for assistance. They will match the right image package and the right price. If you are buying an RF image, the price will be based on the file size. However, if you opt for an RM image, the price will be based on what you want to use the image for.
What do RF and RM stand for?
RM is short for rights managed. This means that you only pay for your specific usage of the image. This license can define where, how, for how long or when the image is being used.
RF stands for royalty-free. This means that you pay a one-off to access and use the image, with no or very few restrictions. At Alamy, you can filter your search by using RM or RF on the search box.
How do I ensure I pick the right image resolution and size for my project?
To ensure you get the right image, you must take into consideration the dimensions and the resolution. The dimensions show the size of the image if printed. The resolution, on the other hand, indicates how much details can be indicated on the printed images.
Do I need a property release to use the images commercially?
If you want to use Alamy images commercially, you will need a property release or a model. This is signed permission from the owner of a property where they permit the use of footage or photographs commercially.
What are the payment terms at Alamy?
Alamy will send an invoice to a buyer once the order is complete. This should be paid within 30 days. A buyer cannot alter any details in the invoice unless agreed upon by Alamy. A receipt will also be issued after payment upon request.
What if I am unable to pay after the 30 days?
If you are unable to remit the payment after the 30 days, you will be charged interest on the overdue invoices. Alamy will also exercise its statutory rights to claim compensation, interest and debt recovery costs. Account-holders in the UK will be charged at the Bank of England rate. They will also be charged an 8% interest rate. Those in the EU will be charged at the ECB base rate and a 7% rate. The rest of the world account holders will be charged at the Bank of England rate plus an 8% rate.
Can I get an Alamy credit account?
Alamy offers credit accounts. To get one, click on the ‘Apply for a credit account’ icon on the Alamy website. You will be required to fill in your details as well as enter the details of the person who should receive and pay for the invoices.
What is the right Alamy license for me?
Alamy has various license packaging based on the use. Among the categories include personal use, website, small business marketing package, large business marketing package, newsletters or presentations, books and magazines, TV program and digital publishing. The company also has royalty-free licenses for XSmall, medium, large, XLarge and XXLarge images. All these have different pricing. For full details, check out the Alamy website and choose one that will suit your needs.
Neither of the licenses will suit my use. Can I get a custom license?
Seeing that every business is different, Alamy creates bespoke solutions to meet the needs of your business. To get a tailored business plan, contact the Alamy team for assistance.
What are some of the image categories available at Alamy?
Some of the categories available at Alamy include agriculture, art, autumn, black and white, business and technology, cities, architecture, cultures, concepts and food, just to mention a few. With the wide variety, you are assured of getting all your image needs at Alamy.
How can I pay for my Alamy purchases?
You can pay via Mastercard, Visa, American Express, PayPal, ApplePay and GooglePay.
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