To get the best savings, it’s worth taking the time to think about when you should purchase a car. For example, it’s a good idea to avoid busy periods like just after pay day, or when there may be many other potential buyers, so bargaining could prove difficult! Think about when dealers might be more inclined to negotiate; to reach their quarterly sales targets, they may be more prepared to settle on a good discount or deal with you if the time is right. Another tip is to consider what type of car you want, so for example it may be worth buying that four wheel drive in the summer months to grab a bigger discount. Same goes for that convertible you’ve been dreaming about; chances are you’ll find better deals off season.
Think realistically about what you need in a car. It’s important to consider things like the amount of space you might need for a family, whether you drive mostly long motorway or short town journeys and even how much boot space you might need. It’s also worth thinking about whether it’s important to you to invest in an eco friendly car which can be more expensive to begin with but will save you money in the long term. Take a browse through our military armed forces discounts to see what best suits you!
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TroopScout proudly serves: All serving British Armed Forces members, Ex-Forces, MOD Civil Servants, Reservists, Cadets, NATO Personnel, British Legion Members, spouses and immediate family members of all the above.
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