Ultimate Outdoors has a broad range of professional gear for every outdoor occasion that you could imagine. The quality of the products is at a high level, along with the excellent customer service from Ultimate Outdoors’ employees. The company started as a small family outdoor store in Lancaster called “Harry Robinson’s” that was acquired in the 90s and changed its name to Ultimate Outdoors. They are continuing their success story with physical stores as well as the online shopping website. On their website, you can find the nearest Ultimate Outdoors store to you. You just need to enter your town, city, or postcode. If you are a great fan of outdoor activities, you should use our voucher code and get a discount on Ultimate Outdoors.
The standard United Kingdom delivery is free for all orders that go over £80. Otherwise, the standard delivery costs £3.95. Orders are delivered from 8 am to 8 pm every day. Another option for delivery is the premium express delivery, which costs £5.95, and the next day standard UK delivery which costs £4.99, but unfortunately, they are not available at the moment as a result of the pandemic.
A great way to get your products is the “Click and Collect” service which costs £3.95. With this service, you can choose one from the many collection points where you can collect your order. There are more than 500 collection points spread across the United Kingdom. Orders are delivered free of charge to all the British Forces Post Offices. When it comes to international delivery, the delivery charges vary by service and region. Usually, international delivery takes up to 8 working days, and the delivery costs start from £4.99. For more details, check their website and see the different rates for different locations.
Ultimate Outdoors have a pretty easy process of refunding. No matter the reason why you are returning the products, they offer a full refund or an exchange. The refund should be requested within 28 days of receiving the order. You just need to fill in all of the information in the returns form sent to you with your order and send the form to them along with the products. All of the items should be undamaged, in a good condition, and ready for resale. If you want to make an exchange, then you should go to one of their stores since they are not able to offer this online. Also, be aware that swimwear and underwear cannot be refunded or exchanged, except if they are damaged.
If you have paid with a card, please make sure that you have the bill with you to proceed with the refund. When asking for a refund, please allow up to 5 working days so the refund can appear in your bank account. You can return your products through the Hermes return system, in-store, by post, or by CollectPlus service.
What kind of customer service do they have?
They have pretty good customer support service. If you have any questions regarding your order, and the question is not already asked and listed in the FAQs section on their website, feel free to contact them through email. You will get a response as soon as possible.
Does Ultimate Outdoors have gift cards?
Yes! Ultimate Outdoors have a gift card that could be used as a perfect gift for someone instead of a regular gift. The gift card can be used in more than 500 stores to buy from the hundreds of brands on offer. It is valid for 1 year starting from the day of purchasing. They have gift cards ranging from £5 up to a maximum value of £300.
Can I track my order?
Yes. If you want to check the status of your order just go on their website, enter the order number and your email address or postcode and see where it is at the moment of checking.
What payment options can I use to pay on Ultimate Outdoors?
To pay on Ultimate Outdoors you can use credit or debit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Delta, Switch. The online payment for products on their website is encrypted and secured with an SSL certificate, so you do not have to worry about that. Also, for Visa and Mastercard cards, the payment should be verified with a secure code so you have piece of mind while buying your favourite outdoor gear. All of the payments are regulated with an additional level of security. You can also pay with PayPal on Ultimate Outdoors. You just need to select the PayPal option for payment during the checkout step. PayPal credit is available only online. With this option, you can pay for orders in installments for up to 6 months. The PayPal credit option is available for orders over £149.
Can I claim a price match?
Of course. Just contact their support team and share the details of where you have seen the same product at a lower price and wait for their response.
What would complement an Ultimate Outdoors order?
If looking for more outdoor accessories to complement the Ultimate Outdoors gear, check out our clothing discounts and save money while buying famous brands.
Do they send a regular newsletter?
Yes. If you want to receive news related to Ultimate Outdoors products, you should subscribe to their newsletter by submitting your email address on their website.
Is there any group discount?
Yes, if you belong to any of the groups they collaborate with, you can have an additional 15% discount every day. There is a list on their website with all the recognised organisations, groups, outdoor charities, and clubs. Also, they have an offer for bulk orders and group buys for new organisations that want to join their recognised programme. They can make a tailored offer according to the company’s needs. Any organisation or company that wants to place bulk orders or group buys should contact them to deal with them and get the advantage of the flexible payment arrangements.
The discount can be used while shopping online with the discount code provided at the checkout section, or it can be used in-store by showing the membership identification card. Do not hesitate, contact them and use the additional 15% discount on their products.
Can I shop VAT free on Ultimate Outdoors?
No, all of the product’s prices include VAT. You can get a VAT receipt provided to you if you need it. The VAT receipt will be delivered to your email address if you have requested it.
What is WEEE?
WEEE is an acronym for Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment. The best way to clear your old electrical appliances such as radio, GPS, torch, etc. is to recycle them. You should always keep the environment safe and be socially responsible. You can find the nearest recycling facility and responsibly deal with electrical equipment. WEEE Regulations are adopted to prevent redundancy of electrical appliances and to promote recycling and reusing.
Can I order a product even if it is not listed on Ultimate Outdoor's website?
If the product you would like to buy is not listed on the Ultimate Outdoors website, you will not be able to place an online order on the website. You can always go and check in the local stores, and if the product is available in-store you can buy it and enjoy it. The other option is to contact their support team, ask for the required piece, and they will do their best to help you.
Does Ultimate Outdoors have any stores overseas?
Unfortunately, no. All of their stores are located in the United Kingdom. You can find all of the local stores using the Store Finder feature.
How should I keep the products clean?
Different types of materials require different types of maintenance. You should always clean your products according to manufacturer recommendations.
Does Ultimate Outdoors have a repair service?
No, but some of the brands they have on offer might have their repair service as part of the warranty. You should always contact them to get the right information about the product you need a repair for. If the brand does not have a manufacturer warranty, the Ultimate Outdoors support team would kindly recommend a local repair business that could help you. Also, they usually suggest their customers contact Lancashire Sports Repairs, which is specialised in outdoor clothing, equipment, and footwear repairment for all brands that sell outdoor gear.
Do I need to create an account on Ultimate Outdoors to place an order?
No, you do not need to register an account on Ultimate Outdoor if you want to buy a product. You can just pick your favourite products and proceed to checkout as a guest. Otherwise, you can register yourself and get an easier process of placing an order and proceed to check out with only one click.
What are the benefits of having an Ultimate Outdoors personal account?
If you have an account on the Ultimate Outdoors website, you will have many benefits. Some of the benefits include fast checking and tracking the status of your orders and a faster checkout process. You can sign in and use one-click ordering to continue with already saved payment details. Another benefit of having an account is that you get the opportunity to view all of your order history and a detailed list of which orders you have placed and the date you have placed them.
Is Ultimate Cafe part of Ultimate Outdoors?
Yes. They want to enrich the whole customer experience journey and offer you the opportunity to try delicious food and drinks while doing your shopping. In the Ultimate Cafe, you can enjoy tasty American pancakes, a good cup of tea, and a lot of different cakes, bread, and cookies. Of course, don’t forget to try their delicious English breakfast! Their mission is to ensure that all of the products are organic, fresh, and home-made. Also, all of the products are sourced locally because they want to support the local entities, businesses, and farms. You can order Ultimate Cafe food and drinks via the Deliveroo app. The Ultimate Cafes are located in the regions of Nottingham, Kingston, and Merry Hill. Try them and you will not regret it!
More than 64% of Ultimate Outdoors customers have claimed on TrustPilot that they would buy again from them. The service is evaluated as an excellent one, the prices are quite attractive and affordable, and the process of placing an online order is really quick and easy.
If you are an adventurous soul looking for the next challenge, you should visit Lifeventure for more promotions on quality gear for hiking, travelling, and different expeditions.
Great Outdoors has exclusive offers on outdoor clothing from a lot of outdoor brands. Also, do not forget to use the discount code for Snow + Rock and get 15% off your first order from them.
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The partnership team at TroopScout are always hunting out military exclusive discount codes for Ultimate Outdoors to help you get the strongest, well deserved, discount code for you and your family.
Our deal hunting specialists spend all day finding a range of great money - saving codes for new customers and current customers alike. Sometimes that are hidden away on social media sites, within emails and on web pages found on ultimateoutdoors.com.Rest assured that our team will do everything we can to help you save time and money with your first purchase or future purchases at Ultimate Outdoors !
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