
Looking for more discounts on similar products? Take a look at Waldo and Feel Good Contacts. With our military exclusive Waldo discount code, you'll get a 10 day FREE trial on all contact lenses, as well as £9 off your first subscription, or use our military exclusive Feel Good Contacts discount code to get a 5% discount on contact lenses from a wide range of brands.

How to use your eOpticians coupon code

  1. To get your eOpticians coupon code, click on the 'Get Code' button. Copy the code from a pop-up window. Proceed to the eOpticians website and start creating your order.
  2. Choose a product you'd want to purchase, select all of it features, and click on the 'Add to Cart' button below. You'll be redirected to your shopping cart. Review your order and click on the 'Go to Checkout' button below.
  3. Enter your contact information (first and last name, email address, and phone number). Choose a shipping method and enter your delivery address. Choose one of the available payment methods and enter your billing address.
  4. Tick the 'I have a coupon code' box below and enter your eOpticians coupon code. Click on the 'Apply Coupon' button below.
  5. Click on the 'Place Order' button below, and you'll be redirected to a payment page. Enter your payment details and pay your order.

About eOpticians

eOpticians is an online-only retailer that offers contact lenses, glasses, and sunglasses, as well as eye drops and contact lens solutions from a wide range of brands. Its aim is to make eye care accessible and affordable to everyone. The online shop was launched in 2011. Today, it has online stores in 25 European markets, including Spain, France, Italy, Romania, Hungary, Croatia, and Serbia. It ships its orders all over the world. Lenses are sent in their original factory sealed boxes.

eOpticians lowest price guarantee

eOpticians guarantees to have the lowest prices in the UK. If you find any of the products to be cheaper on another UK website, you'll be given a credit of 120% of the price difference (you'll receive a coupon code you can use when placing your order).  

eOpticians delivery

eOpticians offers a free worldwide delivery for all orders over £40. Orders are delivered via Royal Mail. Most orders will be dispatched the same day and will arrive within 5-10 working days (within 2 days if dispatched from the UK warehouse).

eOpticians returns

eOpticians offers a full one year guarantee. You can return your order for up to 365 days after your purchase, no questions asked. To be eligible for a return, the item must be in its original packaging, unopened. You can't return any of the personalised items. All shipping costs when returning the items are your responsibility.

Deal Terms

Minimum spend of £30.

Discover the best savings at eOpticians with our exclusive discount code savings. Learn more about eOpticians below

eOpticians Latest Discount Code

Use our latest eOpticians voucher, promo, discount and referral codes to save on your next shop at eopticians.co.uk.

The partnership team at TroopScout are always hunting out military exclusive discount codes for eOpticians to help you get the strongest, well deserved, discount code for you and your family.

How we find the best eOpticians discount codes

Our deal hunting specialists spend all day finding a range of great money - saving codes for new customers and current customers alike. Sometimes that are hidden away on social media sites, within emails and on web pages found on eopticians.co.uk.Rest assured that our team will do everything we can to help you save time and money with your first purchase or future purchases at eOpticians !

Online shops such as eOpticians sometimes have a range of promotional codes, voucher codes, free delivery codes, sales, free gifts & referral codes / links if they do – will will make sure to show every money-saving offer that we can find or negotiate.

Use TroopScout to discover the best exclusive savings eOpticians has to offer.

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