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As we unveil this year's Bloom and Wild's Christmas tree collection, we've got a big surprise tucked away in those tiny sturdy roots of the tree-yes, you heard right, roots; they are replantable! Now, these handy little beauties can outlive the Santa season to spread their warmth all year round.
They come in five brazen, lofty decorations, each one telling a beautiful Christmas story. It's a surprise they can fit perfectly through a letterbox, homebound to their eager customers. Speaking of these customers, they aren't people to dally around during the festive season. Bloom and Wild tell us that they start getting orders right into the beginning of the 'ember' months. However, their busiest days begin in December, when they have to sell a Christmas tree every 30 seconds! Customarily, the 1st of December has always proved to be their busiest day, telling how much in demand Bloom and Wild's Christmas trees are. Being accustomed to the rush for their lovely trees, they start planning way ahead of time so that they meet up with every order of their eager customers.
This year's decoration theme for the Christmas trees promises something special for every customer, from the youngling to the geriatric. The designs move from the Creative Crafts tree to the Minimalist tree.
For Bloom and Wild's Christmas trees, one thing is for sure: you get everything a big Christmas tree offers, with the benefit that you get to use less space. So if you don't have enough space for a big Christmas tree, these dainty little trees are more than enough compensation. They come in several variations, with a pot, twinkling lights, and baubles making up the central theme for all designs.
Bloom and Wild's Head of Creative, Zoe Marie Williams, talked about what she has on her wish list for this year. She said all she wants for a gift is a Winter Walk mini tree. According to her, several people revealed during an interview that the yearly Christmas Day Walk is their favourite part of the festivities. This revelation, according to her, is the reason why part of this year's design includes a tiny tree wrapped up in mittens and a scarf. She said it will not fail to light up the mood of anyone who receives it.
Whether you're a small-tree lover or not, you will not fail to be awed by this year's Bloom and Wild's mini tree collection. They've employed some profound aesthetics in their offering that are guaranteed to light up every corner lucky enough to grace their presence.
Have a look at the Bloom and Wild's trees below. Every tree is ready for preorder and will be delivered to you beginning from the 1st of December. The five festive designs include: The Creative Crafts Tree, The Minimalist Tree, The Simple Pleasures Tree, The Starry Night Tree, and The Winter Walker Tree.
As the name suggests, this tree is the result of the rarest creative crafts. You will find artistic baubles adorning every angle of this tree. As if that doesn't do it, a blue velvet ribbon crowns the tree as if signifying the dignity of this edifice. You will not fail to see the articulate craftwork that has gone into the construction of the pot, and the twinkling lights make for the perfect completion of the whole affair.
Of course, simple is the new fashion. Bloom and Wild have not failed to capture this in their Christmas tree collection. With twinkling lights that seem to be cascading, it is every minimalist dream!
This tree contains everything we love in one. When illustrious garlands meet gold circle baubles, you know the festive season is bound to be great.
Never has the joy of Christmas been so well depicted! From gold baubles that tell a dazzling story, to blue baubles that speak of the wonders of the festive night - what more can one ask for? Maybe a stream full of stars and a star tree topper to fuel our lusty appetites.
The special delight for this year goes to this tree. It comes adorned with gold mini baubles, twinkling lights, little blue and yellow mittens, a striped scarf garland, and a red hat tree topper.
New Bloom & Wild members can receive a whooping 25% off their first order with our exclusive Bloom & Wild discount code! Don't worry if you are already a member, you can still receive 15% off as an existing order! Make sure to claim your discount code today!
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