
25% off contracts

See retailer website for full terms

When you purchase a new phone or device with O2, you could receive up to 25% off the cost of your Airtime plan. The amount you receive depends on the plan you take out, with 15% off plans of 1GB or more, and a blistering 25% off plans of 3GB and up. For the full terms and conditions relating to this voucher code, check out the O2 website.
Get Deal
O2 screenshot

Earn more £25 Amazon gift cards by referring your friends and family

O2 are keen to reward their customers for sharing the good news so when you tell a friend about the great deals available, you’ll both get a reward. With £25 in Amazon vouchers waiting to be handed out to both you and any friends you refer, the only question is why you haven’t done it sooner! Once you have your own O2 account you can refer your friends and family with your own referral code, you will both receive a £25 Amazon gift card! You can refer as many people as you know =)

If you are actively serving in the military why not see if you are eligible for 25% off your plan with our O2 military discount.

You can also compare all O2 deals currently on so that you can see which deal best suits you.

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How to claim your Amazon gift card with an O2 referral link

  1. Simply tap Get Deal and fill out the form on the O2 website.
  2. You will be emailed a unique referral code which you can use when you check out.
  3. Once signed up you will be sent a virtual Amazon gift card that you can claim at any time

Deal Terms

See the deal provider's website for terms & conditions

Discover the best savings at O2 with our exclusive discount code savings. Learn more about O2 below

O2 Latest Discount Code

Use our latest O2 voucher, promo, discount and referral codes to save on your next shop at o2.co.uk.

The partnership team at TroopScout are always hunting out military exclusive discount codes for O2 to help you get the strongest, well deserved, discount code for you and your family.

How we find the best O2 discount codes

Our deal hunting specialists spend all day finding a range of great money - saving codes for new customers and current customers alike. Sometimes that are hidden away on social media sites, within emails and on web pages found on o2.co.uk.Rest assured that our team will do everything we can to help you save time and money with your first purchase or future purchases at O2 !

Online shops such as O2 sometimes have a range of promotional codes, voucher codes, free delivery codes, sales, free gifts & referral codes / links if they do – will will make sure to show every money-saving offer that we can find or negotiate.

Use TroopScout to discover the best exclusive savings O2 has to offer.

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